wind energy

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Forced transition to wind and solar will impose real costs on Canadians

It will cost up to an estimated $37.7 billion annually for Canada to move from coal to renewables.

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Cold hard facts—wind power no substitute for fossil fuels

Government support for renewables in Canada will leave power grids more susceptible to blackouts.

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Wind lobby ignores consequences of ‘renewable’ energy

Job losses attributed to rising electricity costs outweigh the jobs created in the renewable energy sector.

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Canada’s non-hydro renewables start from a very low baseline of both capacity and generation.

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Affordable energy is to the economy what oxygen is to the human body.

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BC Hydro’s planned project for a hydroelectric dam on the Peace River—known as the Site C dam—is proving to be controversial, with some industry groups panning the plan while touting renewable energy sources such as wind.

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On October 30 we published a Fraser Institute study entitled “What Goes Up… Ontario’s Soaring Electricity Prices and How to Get Them Down.”

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Earlier this month the Fraser Institute published a report sharply critical of one of the flagship policies of the Ontario government, namely the Ontario Green Energy Act (GEA). We found that the Act is costing Ontario over $5 billion annually but yields negligible environmental benefits, and that equivalent or greater benefits could have been achieved using conventional pollution control measures at less than one-tenth the cost.