canadian equalization program

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Maritime provinces vulnerable to any future changes to equalization program

In 2019/20, equalization comprised 21 per cent of provincial government revenue in Prince Edward Island.

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Maritime provinces could soon see smaller slice of equalization pie

As a share of the province’s total government revenue, New Brunswick’s equalization payments fell from 23.7 per cent to 19 per cent.

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Any ‘Fair Deal’ for Alberta requires fundamental rethink of fiscal federalism in Canada

Between 2007 and 2018, Alberta workers contributed a net $12.3 billion to employment insurance.

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Equalization—separating fact from fiction

Alberta ran a $3.1 billion deficit in 2012/13—when oil prices were over US$80 per barrel.

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Notley's late (and little) holiday gift for Alberta

Quebec slammed the door on the resurrection of the Energy East pipeline.

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For as long as equalization has existed (since 1957), Quebec has always received the largest payment.

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Quebec has one of the highest top personal income tax rates of any province or U.S. state.