Despite support from local politicians and First Nations groups, Andrew Weaver is digging in his heels on LNG.
john horgan
Last week Kinder Morgan projected that the Trans Mountain pipeline project could be a year behind schedule.
PBO report contradicts Trudeau government claims.
The referendum could be decided with votes from the Lower Mainland alone.
As the economic role of government expanded in 20th century Canada, governments lost sight of the law of diminishing returns.
B.C.’s climate change programs violate sound economic reasoning.
Like all taxes, a carbon tax imposes its own burdens and amplifies the economic costs of all other taxes in the economy.
Government program spending will reach $49.2 billion, 6.6 per cent higher than last year.
The budget creates a new, higher top personal income tax rate of 16.8 per cent.
Minimum wage hikes result in low-skilled workers being less likely to find employment at an automatable job.