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Foreign ownership restrictions on telecommunications companies hurt Canada’s economy

Competition spurs innovation and productivity growth in the economy.

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Deregulation can help Canada avoid or shorten recessions

Barriers to competition limit the incentives of firms to innovate, cut costs and expand their activities.

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The Death of Capitalism—Schumpeter’s prognosis coming true

In a system of crony capitalism, firms and individuals compete for government favours rather than consumer dollars.

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Business ambition must be a Canadian value

The only truly pro-business policies foster competitive markets and produce a more level playing field.

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Trudeau government keeps ‘imagining’ while Canadians suffer the economic consequences

For the 45 research projects approved, almost $100 million had been committed but not necessarily spent.

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How leaving people alone makes us rich

Every year in Canadian and U.S. grocery stores, 20,000 new products are tried out.