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British Columbia should replace PST with an HST

The tax leads to higher operating costs that hurt the competitiveness of businesses in the province.

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This year’s budget more than doubles last year’s spending increase estimate.

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B.C.’s has one of the highest overall tax rates on new investment in Canada and the developed world.

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If the B.C. government truly wants to make the provincial tax system more competitive, reform is needed across three key taxes.

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Budget contained no plan to offset the dramatic increase in business taxes associated with reintroducing the Provincial Sales Tax a few years ago.

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Over the next two months, residents of Metro Vancouver will vote “Yes” or No” in a transit tax plebiscite, but the proposed tax hike to finance what are mostly public transit projects is at best questionable from a transportation economics perspective.

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While Premier Christy Clark aims “to create an environment where growth and investment can flourish,” little has been achieved since last year’s electoral victory. If Premier Clark is to help British Columbians obtain the desired prosperity and jobs, her top economic priority should be to make BC the most investment-friendly jurisdiction in Canada.