income taxes

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More than 70 per cent of Canadians feel the average family is over-taxed

Nearly half of Canadians feel they receive poor or very poor value from government services.

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Ontario’s ‘temporary’ tax increases may never go away

For the province's top earners, each new dollar they earn is taxed at 53.53 per cent.

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High income tax rate hurting Alberta economy

The province's top combined income tax rate increased from 39 per cent in 2014 to 48 per cent today.

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Higher taxes hit middle-income earners in Atlantic Canada

In all four Atlantic provinces, workers at the national average income level must earn more than $152 to boost their after-tax income by $100.

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Middle-income earners in Nova Scotia face higher tax rates than other Canadians

At the national average income level, Nova Scotians face a provincial tax rate of 14.95 per cent on the next dollar they earn. 

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Contrary to rhetoric, high-income families pay most taxes in Canada

The top 20 per cent pay nearly two-thirds of all federal and provincial income taxes.