
Fraser Forum - November 2007 - A New Direction for Quebec

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In this issue:

A Modest Proposal for Ottawa: End Provincial Liquor Monopolies
by Mark Milke
The Canadian dollar may be flying high, but if you’re planning on shopping for alcohol across the border, be prepared to pay more than what’s on the price tag.

The Curious Case of Quebec
by Nadeem Esmail
With shorter wait times and less money spent, Quebec’s health care system is an example to the other provinces.

Quebec’s Dismal Investment Climate
by Keith Godin, Jason Clemens and Milagros Palacios
According to the Canadian Provincial Investment Climate Report, Quebec has one of the worst investment climates in the country.

Applying the Brakes on Federal Spending
by Jason Clemens, Niels Veldhuis and Milagros Palacios
As federal government program spending nears $200 billion, it’s time to rethink spending limits.

Creating the BC Advantage
by Niels Veldhuis and Jason Clemens
In this period of strong economic prosperity, British Columbia has the opportunity to reduce taxes.

The Failure of Labour Sponsored Funds
by Douglas Cumming and Keith Godin
Millions of tax dollars are spent every year on business subsidies. But what value are Canadians getting for their money?

Canada’s Stake in the Security and Prosperity Partnership
by Alexander Moens and Michael Cust
Like NAFTA and the FTA, North America’s Security and Properity Partnership has benefited Canadians in many concrete ways.

Citizens’ Assemblies: A New Kind of Direct Democracy
by Gordon Gibson
Citizens’ Assemblies, which have already been tested in British Columbia and Ontario, offer voters a new way to engage government.

Opening the Door for Environmental Goods & Services Markets
by Glenn Fox
There are several possible reasons why there is little to no market for environmental goods and services in Canada.

Putting a Value on Environmental Goods & Services
by Heather Holden
In this companion piece to Opening the Door for Environmental Goods & Services Markets, the author explains how these goods and services get their value.

Receiving Treatment Outside Canada
by Nadeem Esmail
For years, Canadians have been leaving the country for medically necessary treatment. But exactly how many people do so each year?

Economics & Property Rights
by Walter E. Williams
Numerous issues and problems can arise if we fail to recognize the effect property rights may have on our decisions.

L’Institut Fraser Opens its Doors
In June 2007, The Fraser Institute began operating its first office in Montreal.

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