teacher compensation

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Solve teacher shortage by paying some teachers more money

In government-run schools, union collective agreements constrain teacher salaries.

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Manitoba is Canada’s second highest spender on public schools, spending $13,887 per public school student in 2013/14.

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Of course, Premier Wynne will benefit from labour peace since teacher strikes are tremendously disruptive to families.

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In Ontario a whopping 77 cents of every dollar spent on K-12 public education goes to compensate teachers and staff.

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The one-room schoolhouse may be a relic of a bygone era, but teacher compensation in Canada remains stuck in a time warp. Currently, teacher compensation is determined by rigid salary schedules based on tenure and credentials—factors that have little if any positive impact on student achievement. Compensating teachers for raising student achievement is a policy that’s better for teachers, students, and taxpayers.