resource revenues

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Alberta’s resource-fuelled budget surplus masks long-standing spending problem

In 2017, the province's per-person spending reached its highest level since 1965.

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Resource revenue drove Alberta’s huge fiscal turnaround in 2021-22

Alberta’s fiscal improvement is good news, but without significant policy changes, it will only last so long as commodity prices stay high.

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Any party leader in Alberta must tackle the debt bulge

Higher resource revenue accounts for nearly 80 percent of the $11.5 billion improvement in the province's budgetary balance in 2022/23.

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Alberta’s resource revenue windfall largest on record

The province's resource revenue is expected to increase from $3.3 billion in 2020/21 to $13.7 billion in 2021/22.

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Alberta faces future of declining resource revenues and aging population

By 2043, Albertans aged 65 or older will account for a projected 19 per cent of the province's population.

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In Budget 2022, Alberta continues its ride on resource revenue roller-coaster

Resource revenue will be $9.1 billion higher in 2022/23 than projected last year.

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Unexpected influx of revenue does not give provinces licence to spend

Other countries have built health-care systems that perform better than Canada’s at a comparable or lower cost.