ontario government
Traffic congestion isn’t just a nuisance or environmental hazard—it’s also a significant economic harm.
Ontario increased its top marginal personal income tax rate by about 17 per cent.
The average Ontarian is now poorer than the average Canadian.
Since 2007, Ontario has seen its net debt approximately double, from $157 billion to $308 billion.
Regulatory red tape is resulting in fewer new homes than there otherwise would be with a growing pool of buyers, contributing to rising prices.
Ontario’s cumulative deficit from 2009 to the end of last year was approximately $81.9 billion—50 per cent more than projected in 2009.
Economists recognize that a cap-and-trade system is equivalent to a tax on carbon emissions.
Many Ontarians have likely heard a horror story or two about their government’s growing debt and the resulting strain on public finances. You can’t blame them. Sources of evidence abound.
Something as dull sounding as public-private partnerships (P3s) has suddenly grabbed headlines thanks to a recent report from Ontario’s Auditor General.