job creation

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The Atlantic provinces comprise four of the five lowest ranked Canadian and U.S. jurisdictions.

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Alberta tax policies have moved in the wrong direction, reducing the incentive to invest and create jobs.

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Annual average job-creation for 2014 to 2016 is below the rate seen during the immediate post-recession recovery period.

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Is anyone really sorry that the job of door-opener on subways has been made technologically obsolete?

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When you’re in a recession, one of the key signs is that employment is either stagnant or falling.

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While all three party leaders tried to assure us that they are best able to guide us through an uncertain economic world, all missed the fundamental point that Canada is a small open economy.

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When any new government takes power, temptations abound to do something different, merely to distinguish itself from the regime it replaced.

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As everyone from the Manitoba-Ontario border to Tofino knows, the local and provincial economies, which depend on resource extraction, have slowed.

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There are times when a problem can be solved with a small fix and perhaps a little tinkering. And there are times when a big fix or fundamental reform is needed. Quebec’s government finances fall into the latter category.