Under the Trudeau government, deficits continue with no end in sight, debt is growing and taxes have increased.
federal government debt
Mars 23, 2017
Since the Liberals’ first forecast in 2015, expected GDP for 2017 has dropped by $62 billion or $1,700 per Canadian.
Mars 23, 2017
The Trump administration is negotiating tax reform that could make the U.S. much more attractive for investment and skilled workers.
Mars 14, 2017
Total federal government spending in 2017 is estimated at $331 billion.
Mars 8, 2017
Governments in Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa have markedly increased government spending.
Mars 2, 2017
The Liberals will finance almost all of the new spending with borrowed money, resulting in an expected deficit of $27.8 billion this year.
Novembre 3, 2016
In just six months, the government has increased its forecasted deficits by nearly 30 per cent.
Octobre 20, 2016
Over the next five years, the federal government will add at least $113 billion in new debt with no plan for a balanced budget.