climate change

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Ottawa stoking unfounded climate fears to remake Canada

Claims about increasing weather events are based on mathematical simulations not observed trends.

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Once again IPCC’s math doesn’t check out

Given the discrepancy between models and observations, the IPCC changed the way it handled the warming issue.

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Don’t blame hurricane damage on climate change

Governments tend to insulate people from facing the consequences of bad decisions.

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The Hand of Government in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC reports typically ignore scientific work that questions their methodology or contradicts their conclusions.

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Federal government report pushes implausible ‘climate’ scenario

The report exaggerates the current and future net costs of global warming.

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Here’s why climate change is different than other environmental problems

In Canada, ambient carbon monoxide levels fell by 90 per cent from 1975 to 2015.

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Canadians suffering from Ottawa’s ‘fairy dust’ approach

Last election, the prime minister said he doesn’t worry about monetary policy.