Other Topics

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On deficit reduction in Ontario, “slow and steady” will not win the race

Ontario’s debt burden is forecasted to increase by $48.2 billion between 2018 and 2023.

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Why Rice plays Texas, the moon shot and a very big public good

The moon project was very much a public good.

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Family ‘income mobility’ data—a cup at least half full

More than 60 per cent moved out of the bottom and fewer than 60 per cent stayed at the top.

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Real wages rising, except for smokers and drinkers

Poll says Canadians worried about the cost of living.

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Our eighth-best carbon policies

Ottawa has layered its carbon tax on top of many existing supports for other forms of energy.

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Bill C-69 retains subjective criteria including ‘gender’ implications of energy projects

Bill C-69 will overhaul the entire assessment process of major energy projects.

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Proposed police transition in B.C.’s second-largest—weighing the costs and benefits

The proposed new policing model will have more staff, higher costs and fewer police officers.

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Drugs, murder, cellphones and economics

Cellphones make it easier to call the police if you think you’re about to be attacked.

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Colorado wants your drugs

If every U.S. prescription was filled in Canada, the annual Canadian drug supply would be exhausted in 52 days.

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Alberta should not enable corporate welfare

The Kenney government wants to grant municipalities the ability to offer tax incentives to specific industries.

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